


The Atlantean Pyramid creates the illusion of realities in time on the Earth plane.


The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Arlis-Cochizel.


In the temple of the crystals the goddess sits,


she whose consciousness creates all and everything from within.





Through this crystal matrix a race of evolved humans was born.


And when it was time for those souls to once again submerge in the


sea of creation to evolve into a new experience the crystals would


echo the harmonics and the souls would remember and align for transition.


The Atlantean Pyramid has great mythology about an ancient time when man used


his gift of intuition and worked with spirit. It tells of priests and priestesses who used


massive crystals and walked with giants and strange creatures on the surface of the planet.





This pyramid tells of I, Thoth, known as Thoth the Atlantean, or Tehuti, who ruled the


land of Atlantis for thousands of years known there by many names and descriptions.


It is written that before the great civilization of Atlantis fell,


I went with my consort and our high priests and priestesses


in great spaceships, to create a new home and a new civilization.


That this place would be the land of Khem, known to you as Egypt.


That I, and others from Atlantis, would record and store information


in great libraries, in a place to be known as the Halls of Amenti,


'Amenti' meaning 'Mankind'.


Listen now for the echoes of their tones within your mind.


And many would search for these records in their quest to


remember why they have come here and who they are.


And they would feel that they have greater purpose in this


timeline and seek to find out what that purpose might be.


The Atlantean Pyramid would create tales of the fall of this great civilization


as warning to those who would walk the earth at the time of this reading.


And humanity would worry about the destruction of its earth home.


Fear not, as the souls need only remember their way home, into the light.


For there is no beginning,


nor is there an end.


And I, Thoth the Atlantean, shall now take you to the


Pyramid of Atlantis so you may experience all that you are.


And you will understand what happened in the game of


Light vs. Darkness. And you will remember what you must do.

